Tabletop Match

With the increased number of tabletop games, enthusiasts spend a lot of time picking the right game to play. Tabletop Match is an app that helps board gamers find the right game at the right moment.

Tabletop Match was a bachelor thesis, a mobile app, a business proposal, a web app, a start-up and personal side project. Through it I explored for the first time Human Centred Design methods, and learned how to build a viable business plan.

Project type

Bachelor thesis & Start-up

Total time

1 year

My Role

Design, User Research, Front-end & Back-end Dev

Tabletop Match app

Tabletop Match


The latest working version of the web app.

Last updated in 2015

Interested to learn more about my work? Drop me an email:

Handcrafted by Diana Lipcanu and Tomas Eriksson © 2022

Using Svelte and Tailwind